Monday, November 8, 2010

The Wedding Girl

The Wedding GirlThe Wedding Girl by Madeleine Wickham

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an interesting tale. Especially to one who is in the process of getting married. I was kind of disappointed that it didn't deal with Millie really doing much work for the planning. Maybe because I envied her?
I found her a character that really is a genuinely nice person at heart and I was excited to learn that her fiance, Simon, was too. I would have loved Madeline to delve more into Simon's issues with his father, but maybe that would be something for another book.
All in all I really enjoyed this. The more into the story the more I felt for what Millie and Rupert went through. The same goes for Isabelle. I loved her character and truely was surprised on how her story concluded and would love to find out what happens with her...although I don't know if there are any continuing stories for this book.
It's amazing how one event when you're 18 can shape so much of your life without you even realizing it.

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